The Relationship Between the Amount of Television Watched and the Reading Achievement Scores of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Students


Ann A. Hunt

Date of Graduation

Fall 1978


Master of Science in Education in Literacy


Reading, Foundations, and Technology

Committee Chair

James Layton


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the amount of television viewing time and reading achievement of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students when intelligence was partialled out. To implement the study 172 students in a small rural school district within a twenty-five mile of Springfield, Missouri were selected to participate. The subjects kept a daily record of their tele-viewing time for a specified ten-day period. Reading achievement scores were extracted from the California Achievement Test and intelligence test scores were taken from the California Test of Mental Maturity for each participant. The data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlations and partial correlations, partialling out I.Q. The results of the partial correlations were used by the researcher to conclude that, although the negative correlations were statistically significant in two instances, the low correlations were not educationally significant, and could not be used to predict reading achievement from the amount of televiewing as reported by the students. It was also concluded that, because of the low variance accounted for when I.Q. was partialled out, intelligence may not exert as much influence on reading achievement as many educators think.

Subject Categories

Other Education


© Ann A Hunt


