Aging Validation, Growth, and Comparison of Four Age Estimators of the River Redhorse (Moxostoma Carinatum)
Date of Graduation
Summer 1999
Master of Science in Biology
Committee Chair
Daniel Beckman
Four possible age estimators of river redhorse, otoliths, opercles, scales, and fin rays, were compared for accuracy, precision, and reliability. Validation of annulus formation, using marginal increment analysis, indicated that opercles and otoliths form an annulus from late May to late June. Opercle and otolith age estimates had the highest percent agreement, lowest variability, and the greatest precision. Opercles and otoliths but not scales or fin rays, were validated as reliable estimators of age in river redhorse. The 250 fish sampled contained age-classes 1-15 with an approximate age-at-maturity of 5 years. Age-class frequency distributions indicated that mortality increased substantially after maturity.
Subject Categories
© Christian Alexander Hutson
Recommended Citation
Hutson, Christian Alexander, "Aging Validation, Growth, and Comparison of Four Age Estimators of the River Redhorse (Moxostoma Carinatum)" (1999). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 57.