Wastewater Regulation: a Groundwater Protection Strategy For Christian County, Missouri
Date of Graduation
Fall 1989
Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences
Geography, Geology, and Planning
Committee Chair
Thomas Moeglin
Christian County is undergoing tremendous growth as a result of its ideal location for work and recreation, no building regulations and low property taxes. With unregulated growth, groundwater contamination can result from inadequately installed septic systems. The amount of contamination is partly reflected by a Total Coliform water study conducted countywide. The county was divided into equitable areas for sampling. Fifty percent of the water samples indicated the water from the well sampled was unsafe for human consumption. Seventy-one percent of soils in Christian County are not conducive to onsite wastewater treatment systems. The soil survey of Christian County is a reference which should be used by developers and homeowners when deciding where to place an onsite wastewater treatment system. State laws enacted to protect groundwater are not enforceable because of the lack of funding, trained personnel and the lack of a penalty clause. A countywide ordinance to implement regulation of septic systems installation is one alternative that could help slow down the contamination of groundwater from unregulated growth.
Subject Categories
Earth Sciences
© Dorothy St. Clair
Recommended Citation
St. Clair, Dorothy, "Wastewater Regulation: a Groundwater Protection Strategy For Christian County, Missouri" (1989). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 726.