Planning of Open Space Using Physical Geographical Features in the South Dry Sac Drainage Basin

Date of Graduation

Spring 1984


Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences


Geography, Geology, and Planning

Committee Chair

William Cheek


The purpose of this thesis was to establish a methodology for the planning of open space in the South Dry Sac drainage basin, by distinguishing land sensitive to development through analyzing the physical geographical features of present land use, percent of slope, floodplain, karst, water contamination hazard, soils, and unique geologic features. Four sections of land were selected within the drainage basin to assist in determining the areas of sensitivity. The sections were analyzed and mapped with each physical geographical feature. The data collection was accomplished by the use of maps, previous studies, and field surveys. The data were statistically coded to assemble the physical features into a unit representing the sensitivity of the land. The computer programs SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and SYMAP-Synagraphic Mapping Program were used to assimilate this composition. The results were then utilized to produce an open space policy recommendation.

Subject Categories

Earth Sciences


© Joseph E Harpine


