A Study of the Changes in the Potentiometric Surface 1930-1986, Springfield Area, Missouri
Date of Graduation
Spring 1987
Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences
Geography, Geology, and Planning
Committee Chair
Thomas Moeglin
The Springfield study area covers most of Greene County with the northern portion of Christian County and the western portion of Webster County. The principal hydrostratigraphic sequence is comprised of Ordovician and Cambrian dolomites and sandstones, collectively referred to as the deep aquifer. The population of the Springfield area has experienced a constant and steady growth since the 1930's and is projected to continue to do so in the future. Since the 1930's, a large cone of depression has existed within the deep aquifer. This cone is located just to the west of downtown Springfield and is the result of years of pumping by the area municipalities and industries. This cone has lowered approximately 150 feet since 1930, with the last 50 feet being lowered since 1974. The direction of groundwater flow is towards the center of the City of Springfield where the lowest groundwater elevations exist, while the highest elevations occur in the eastern portion of the study area, near Strafford and Rogersville. Potentiometric surface changes can be directly correlated to increased population and industrial growth that has occurred during the 56 year study period. Population and industrial growth are expected to continue to lower the elevation of the potentiometric surface in the future. It is recommended that both an education and groundwater monitoring program be developed and implemented. The end result of both programs is to establish the safe yield of the deep aquifer and to adhere to the limitations of this safe yield in future years in order to assure adequate future supplies of groundwater from the deep aquifer.
Subject Categories
Earth Sciences
© Allen L Steinkamp
Recommended Citation
Steinkamp, Allen L., "A Study of the Changes in the Potentiometric Surface 1930-1986, Springfield Area, Missouri" (1987). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 778.