An Experimental Study Examining the Effect of Organization and Sex of the Receiver on Attitude Change
Date of Graduation
Summer 1977
Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences
Geography, Geology, and Planning
Committee Chair
Stanley Fagerlin
This study sought to examine the relationship between two communication variables and their potential effect upon attitude change. The two variables studied were the sex of the receiver and organizational formats. The study examined whether females or males were more persuaded by an oral message and whether one organizational pattern had a superior effect over another organizational pattern. The organizational patterns chosen were the debate formats of the comparative advantages case format and the problem-solution case format. This investigation found that neither organizational format produced a significantly superior amount of attitude change and that females were more persuaded by oral messages than were males.
Subject Categories
Earth Sciences
© David M Cooley
Recommended Citation
Cooley, David M., "An Experimental Study Examining the Effect of Organization and Sex of the Receiver on Attitude Change" (1977). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 786.