Determining the Adequacy of Bufferyards in Springfield, Missouri
Date of Graduation
Fall 1998
Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences
Geography, Geology, and Planning
Committee Chair
William Corcoran
This study reviews the installation and maintenance of and establishes a methodology for the planning of bufferyards within planned developments (P.D.'s) in Springfield, Missouri. Field research involved visiting nineteen sites to determine if the bufferyards followed the site plans. Characteristics reviewed while visiting the sites included: looking at total number of plantings per 100 feet, the use of fences, walls and berms, how well the developer followed the requirements, the maintenance of the bufferyard, and the aesthetic appeal of the bufferyard. Subsequent suggestions are made to eliminate encountered problems. Literature indicates the instances (incompatible adjacent land uses) where bufferyards are required, and depending on how incompatible the adjacent land uses, the type and number of plantings that the bufferyard should have. These sources are used by the city before approving the site plan. On sites where problems exist, the problem is not attributable to a poor site plan, but rather failure to carry out the site plan by the developer. The findings of this research will have useful policy implications for managing bufferyards of P.D.'s and other bufferyards in Springfield, Missouri, and other cities. Ensuring quality bufferyards will help ensure that residences adjacent to these bufferyards can continue to enjoy their front, back or side yards and the views from their windows as much as they did before the implementation of the more intense development.
Subject Categories
Earth Sciences
© Wade R Wagoner
Recommended Citation
Wagoner, Wade R., "Determining the Adequacy of Bufferyards in Springfield, Missouri" (1998). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 793.