Personality Correlates of Treatment Mode and Later Usage in Violators of Campus Alcohol Policies

Date of Graduation

Fall 2003


Master of Science in Psychology



Committee Chair

David Lutz


Students at a large Midwestern university who violated the university code of conduct for first alcohol offense (N=56) were evaluated initially for their alcohol usage and personality correlates using the NEO Personality Inventory--Revised, and for intervention effectiveness based on personality characteristics. These students chose or were assigned to one of three conditions: (a) a monetary fine, (b) motivational interviewing in an individual session, or (c) motivational feedback through e-mail. As predicted, positive correlations were found for Neuroticism and alcohol usage and related behaviors, while negative correlations were found for Conscientiousness and alcohol usage and alcohol-related behaviors. Results indicated individuals higher in Neuroticism and lower in Conscientiousness reported experiencing more drinking and drinking-related behaviors and expected to experience more substantial changes as a results of drinking alcohol. Results also indicated those individuals higher in Neuroticism reported a larger change in their drinking behaviors in the positive direction indicating the treatment was effective for these individuals. Trends suggested that those individuals lower in Extraversion and Openness reported more change in their drinking behaviors post-intervention.

Subject Categories



© Kimberly L Conrad


