Live Cell Imaging of Retroviral Entry
Cellular entry of retroviruses is the first critical stage of retroviral replication. Live cell imaging has been utilized to visualize the dynamics, localization, and kinetics of the viral fusion process. Here, we review the different methodologies used for live cell imaging and how the use of these techniques has better elucidated the viral entry process of avian sarcoma and leukosis virus (ASLV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) as well as cell-to-cell transmission of retroviruses. Although some controversies remain, further development of these techniques will provide new insights into the process and dynamics of retroviral fusion in vivo.
Document Type
viral fusion, ASLV, HIV-1, cell-to-cell transmission, fluorescence microscopy
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Hulme, Amy E., and Thomas J. Hope. "Live cell imaging of retroviral entry." Annual review of virology 1 (2014): 501-515.
Journal Title
Annual review of virology