Using tools to promote novice teacher noticing of science teaching practices in post-rehearsal discussions
This study explores the potential of tool-supported post-rehearsal discussions in helping novice teachers learn to notice and interpret critical features of science teaching. Three tools are examined: a framework of science teaching practices, information about student misconceptions and scientific practice challenges, and a feedback form. Data were collected from 48 post-rehearsal discussions with 16 novices in four teams in a science methods course. The findings suggest the tools guided novices to collectively identify, interpret, and share insights to respond to critical issues of science teaching and learning related to using the science teaching practices to support student learning.
Childhood Education and Family Studies
Document Type
Methods courses, Preservice teachers, Science education, Teacher education
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Benedict-Chambers, Amanda. "Using tools to promote novice teacher noticing of science teaching practices in post-rehearsal discussions." Teaching and Teacher Education 59 (2016): 28-44.
Journal Title
Teaching and Teacher Education