Date of Graduation
Spring 2012
Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences
Geography, Geology, and Planning
Committee Chair
Jun Luo
This research introduces a prototype development for ArcGIS software that calculates flood discharge estimates (Qt) for 2- to 500- year flood events on unregulated Missouri streams. In spite of increasing faith in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), many modern approaches use manual techniques to identify one or more variables necessary to estimate flood magnitudes. For example, stream gradient (slope) is often determined by observing where a watercourse intersects elevation contours on a topographic map. The automation prototype, built with ArcObjects and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), emulates a researcher's workflow by defining watershed area and channel slope values from a digital elevation model (DEM). Resulting area and slope measures are then input into National Flood Frequency (NFF) regression equations published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to estimate recurring flood magnitudes. A t-test comparing manual and GIS-based estimates of 100-year flood events for sites in southwest Missouri suggests no significant difference (t-stat = -0.0234 > t-crit = -1.684) with 95% confidence between sample means of the two methods. However, examination of the regression model's spatial limitations show marked error increases for basins smaller than 5 square miles (mi²), so alternative estimation methods are more appropriate for small basins.
GIS automation, application development, ArcObjects, VBA, hydrology assessment, flood magnitude, flood frequency, discharge estimation
Subject Categories
Geology | Hydrology | Water Resource Management
© Elijah L. Robison
Recommended Citation
Robison, Elijah L., "Developing Automation Tools for Hydrologic Assessment in a GIS Environment" (2012). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2792.
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