Environmental Planning of the Ebenezer Quadrangle, Missouri

Date of Graduation

Fall 1991


Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences


Geography, Geology, and Planning

Committee Chair

Kenneth Thomson


This study provides an inventory of the environmental characteristics of the Ebenezer Quadrangle, for use by the land owners, developers, planners, and educators, as a tool to utilize the land resources more efficiently and with less environmental damage. The inventory includes karst, hydrologic, soil, and geologic features. The Ebenezer Quadrangle, located in Greene County, Missouri, is an area of karst features with over 500 identified dolines or "sinkholes" and areas of internal drainage called sinksheds. Approximately 64% of the soils of the study area are unsuitable to septic tank absorption fields and almost 50% of the soils are unsuitable for building sites. By knowing where these environmental constraints exist development can be encouraged to take place in the most suitable sites as well as occurring in the least environmentally harmful manner possible. As a basis for regulation this information forms the beginning of a geographic information system that will serve many needs.

Subject Categories

Earth Sciences


© Robert C Hall


