Underground Storage Tank Regulations: a Protocol to Facilitate Implementation
Date of Graduation
Summer 1991
Master of Science in Geospatial Sciences
Geography, Geology, and Planning
Committee Chair
Barbara Becker
The study investigates federally mandated state programs from a strategic planning perspective. Data gathered in a forty-eight state survey (Underground Storage Tank Regulation Implementation) are used to identify the current status of individual state programs. Pertinent Environmental Protection Agency regulations and petroleum industry publications are used to provide additional insight into the implementation of complex regulations from first a governmental and then an industrial view point. This information is melded using the techniques of advocacy planning and public policy implementation, creating a model which exemplifies strategic planning and problem solving. This model is applicable to any policy which involves discrete special interest groups, and is accomplished at an individual citizen level. The protocol derived from this model is relevant to environmental planning and policy as well as other policies which seek to regulate activities that have complex, technical, or environmental facets.
Subject Categories
Earth Sciences
© Rita S Hawkins
Recommended Citation
Hawkins, Rita S., "Underground Storage Tank Regulations: a Protocol to Facilitate Implementation" (1991). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 797.