
Submissions from 2004


Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Plankton in a Terminal Multiple-Series Reservoir, John E. Havel and Kristen R. Pattinson


Watershed-scale assessment of bank stability in an urban watershed, Springfield, Missouri, Aaron Nickolotsky, Ron Miller, Robert T. Pavlowsky, and Adam Coulter


Urban impacts on stream morphology in the Ozark Plateaus Region, Robert T. Pavlowsky

Manifold, Benjamin Strohmeyer


Influence of physical stress, distress cues, and predator kairomones on the foraging behavior of Ozark zigzag salamanders, Plethodon angusticlavius, R. Todd Watson, S. Alicia Mathis, and Ronda Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2003

It Comes and It Goes: the History of Professional Baseball in Springfield, Missouri: 1887-1950, Rusty D. Aton

Dialectics in Intercultural Communication: a Study of Interactions Between Latinos and Anglos in Southwest Missouri, Allison R. Gleghorn


Channel Geomorphology And Restoration Guidelines For Springfield Plateau Streams, South Dry Sac Watershed, Southwest Missouri, John M. Horton

The Effects of Bridge Crossings on Fish Assemblages in a Southwest Missouri Stream, Matt Keener

Time-Resolved Monitoring of Water Quality in Ozarks Springs During Storm Events, Ronald O. Obiyo

Sperm Production and Larval Development in Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis Alleganiensis And C. A. Bishopi): A Comparison of Declining and Stable Populations, Shem D. Unger

Submissions from 2002


In the land of a million smiles: Twentieth-century America discovers the Arkansas Ozarks, Brooks Blevins

The Effect of Habitat on the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) in Bull Creek, Southwest Missouri, Jason Gunter

A Comparison of Water Quality Analyses and the Index of Biotic Integrity in Bull Creek, Southwest Missouri, Fawn Kirkland

Spatial Trends of Non-Point Pollutants in Bottom Sediment of Lake Springfield, Southwest Missouri, Tricia Tannehill

Exchange at the Dahlman site (23LA259), a late prehistoric neosho phase settlement in Southwest Missouri, Larissa A. Thomas and Jack H. Ray

Relationship Of Dam Construction And Riparian Buffer Vegetation To Historical Channel Changes, Little Sac River, Southwest Missouri, Ryan G. Wyllie

Submissions from 2001

Grape cultivar performance in the Missouri Ozark region, Martin L. Kaps and Marilyn B. Odneal


Pheromonal markers as indicators of parasite load: Parasite-mediated behavior in salamanders (Plethodon angusticlavius), Daria S. Maksimowich and Alicia Mathis

Geomorphic Adjustments of Ozark Stream Channels to Urbanization, Southwest Missouri, Linda Martin

A Historical Study of the Juanita K. Hammons Hall For the Performing Arts: the Formative Years, Mark Templeton

The Influence Of Predation Risk On The Foraging And Territorial Behavior Of The Ozark Zigzag Salamander (Plethodon Angusticalvius), Todd R. Watson


Spatial Assessment of Nonpoint Phosphorus Sources Using Streambed Sediment Monitoring in the Kings River Basin, NW Arkansas, Jason W. White

Submissions from 2000

Retreating to the Hill: Population Replacement in the Arkansas Ozarks, Brooks Blevins

The Economic Feasibility Of Implementing Ecotourism Within A Rural Community, Cathy Klein

Eminent Domain, Kay Lawson


Parasitized salamanders are inferior competitors for territories and food resources, Daria S. Maksimowich and Alicia Mathis


The influence of residency status on agonistic behavior of male and female Ozark zigzag salamanders Plethodon angusticlavius, Alicia Mathis, David W. Schmidt, and Kimberly A. Medley

Theses/Dissertations from 1999

In Situ Ksat Measurements of Five Fragipan Soils, James M. Burr


Zinc Mining Contamination and Sedimentation Rates of Historical Overbank Deposits, Honey Creek Watershed, Southwest Missouri, Jason L. Carlson

GIS Analysis of Channel Changes Due to a Small Dam on the James River, Sw Missouri, Kenneth Joseph Legleiter

The roles of body size and experience in agonistic displays of the ozark zigzag salamander, Plethodon angusticlavius, Alicia Mathis and Eric Britzke

Genetic Variation of the Grotto Salamander, Typhlotriton Spelaeus in Missouri, Timothy James Miller

Nomenclatural novelties in Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae), Donald J. Padgett

The Ozarks Region: Its Literature, Folkways, and Intrigue, Jenny Petty

Genetic and Life History Characteristics of Venustaconcha Ellipsiformis and Venustaconcha Pleasii (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the Ozark Plateaus Region, Frank A. Riusech

Status of the Ozark Hellbender (Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis Bishopi): a Long-Term Assessment, Benjamin Arik Wheeler

Theses/Dissertations from 1998

A Floristic Study of Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Camden County, Missouri, Barbara Jane Farnsworth

A Role For Parasites in the Behavior of the Ozark Zigzag Salamander (Plethodon Angusticlavius), Daria Sonya Maksimowich

Evaluating Satellite Image Classification For Bottomland Surveys in Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Mitchell Miner


The Big Eddy site: A multicomponent Paleoindian site on the Ozark border, southwest Missouri, Jack H. Ray, Neal H. Lopinot, Edwin R. Hajic, and Rolphe D. Mandel

Botanical Survey of Seven Sites Along the Jack's Fork River, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Michael Kevin Skinner

Submissions from 1996

The Prospect Spring site and the problem of the Late Woodland/Mississippian transition in the western Ozarks, David W. Benn and Jack H. Ray

Allozyme Diversity and Hybridization in Castanea Pumila (Section Balanocastanon, Fagaceae), Michael David DeBacker


A History of the Shepherd of the Hills Dramatizations: the Branson Productions, Michael Lewis Frizell

Tourism Development in Small Midwestern Towns: a Case Study of Eight Communities in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri, Ron Gariglietti

The Aging of Two Madtom Catfish Species From a Southwest Missouri Stream, Lisa Kay Kiner

Attitudes of Developers and the General Public on Land Development and the Environment in Southwest Missouri: a Comparison Study, Paul J. Rakowski

Submissions from 1995


Successful aging, life satisfaction, and generativity in later life, Bradley J. Fisher

Habitat Analysis of the Ozark Hellbender, Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis Bishopi, in Missouri, Timothy Matthew Fobes

Theses/Dissertations from 1994

Light In Rivers, Kathryn Buckstaff

Reproductive Endocrinology of the Ozark Hellbender, Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis Bishopi, Stephanie Gail Reed

Submissions from 1993

Prehistoric Occupations at Cobb Cave in the Western Ozarks, David W. Benn and Neal H. Lopinot

A History of the SMSU Ozarks Spring Interpretation Festival and Its Evolution Into the Ozarks Performance Festival, J. Michael Herndon

The Impact of a Rapidly Growing Community on Surface Water Quality: a Study of Branson, Missouri and Lake Taneycomo in Southwestern Missouri, Charles E. Meyers

Theses/Dissertations from 1992

The Impact of Land Use on Water Quality: a Comparison of the Roaring River and Piney Creek Drainage Basins of Southwest Missouri, Douglas B. Hemsath

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

A Study of Land Use-- Determined Water Quality Near Lakeview, Missouri, Sean Patrick Terry

Submissions from 1990


The ozarks labor union archives at southwest missouri state university, John David Lages and Neal Moore

Theses/Dissertations from 1987

The Geology of Cedar County, Missouri: a Guide For Planners, Jerry R. Neill

Theses/Dissertations from 1986

Fecal Coliform as an Indicator of Water Quality and Recreational Carrying Capacity At Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Gail Estelle Emrie


The Ozarks Elementary Curriculum Project, William A. Wedenoja

Theses/Dissertations from 1985

Analysis of a Project Designed to Modernize the Communications Efficiency of the United Methodist Church, Clyde Frank Gilmore

A Planner's Dilemma: Hostile Public Opinion and Land Use Planning in Rural Southwest Missouri, Andrew A. Hair

Theses/Dissertations from 1984

Legend, and Other Stories, Craig D. Albin

Theses/Dissertations from 1983

Wastewater Management Plan For Unincorporated Taney County, Missouri, Stephen S. Kintner

Theses/Dissertations from 1982

Home Range and Nocturnal Activity of the Ozark Hellbender, Charles E. Coatney

The historical geography of the Ozark tourism - recreation industry., Milton D. Rafferty

Theses/Dissertations from 1979

Age and Growth of the Ozark Hellbender, Chris L. Peterson

Theses/Dissertations from 1978

Life History of the Ozark Minnow, Dionda Nubila, Jeffrey R. Glazier

Theses/Dissertations from 1971

Plant Succession on Gravel Bars Along the Jacks Fork and Current River in the Southcentral Missouri Ozarks, John T. Witherspoon