
Submissions from 1997


The Many Paths of Feminism: Can men travel any of them? [1], Steven Schacht and Doris W. Ewing

Submissions from 1996


Postmodern media studies: Analysis or symptom?, John Harms and David R. Dickens

A Bumpy Economic Road for Rural Communities: Portraying the Reactions of Local Leaders to Facility Closures and Economic Development in Six Midwestern States, Timothy D. Knapp, Larry Leistritz, and Ken Root


Caring, information control, and emotionality: Fieldwork trade-offs, Melodye G. Lehnerer

Submissions from 1995


Rust in the Wheatbelt: The Social Impacts of Industrial Decline in a Rural Kansas Community, Tim Knapp

A Critique of Legislated Gender Equality: The Ideological Failure of Assimilation in College Intramural Sport, Karl Kunkel and Victoria J. Godino


Sociological Explanations of Crimes in Late Imperial China: 1744-1903, Liying Li

Submissions from 1994


The Effect of Social Class on the Adjudication of Criminal Cases: Class‐linked Behavior Tendencies, Common Sense, and the Interpretive Procedures of Court‐appointed Defense Attorneys, Debra S. Emmelman

Submissions from 1991


The academic study of religion in missouri secondary social studies classes, Gary Brock

Submissions from 1990


The pedagogy of death: Teaching about capital punishment, Michael Carlie


Building Skills and Proficiencies of the Community College Instructor of Adult Learners, Michael W. Galbraith and Perry E. Shedd

Submissions from 1989


Religious Fundamentalism as a Response to Foreign Dependency: The Case of the Iranian Revolution, Shahin Gerami


The Camel in Arabia-A direct radiocarbon date, calibrated to about 7000 BC, Caroline Grigson, John A.J. Gowlett, and Juris Zarins


Hierarchies and control: A New Interpretation and Reevaluation of Oliver Williamson's “Markets and Hierarchies” Story, Timothy Knapp


Rags, Riches, and Bootstraps: Beliefs about the Causes of Wealth and Poverty, Kevin B. Smith and Lorene Stone

Submissions from 1988


Democracy and Abundance: the Declining Middle and Postliberal Politics, Robert J. Antonio and Timothy D. Knapp


Electrophoretic evidence for the evolutionary position of Cercopithecus erythrogaster and Cercopithecus erythrotis, Suzanne E. Walker, Clifford J. Jolly, and John F. Oates

Submissions from 1986


Media Explanations of Small-Town Vigilante Murder: Limitations and Alternatives, John F. Galliher, Karl R. Kunkel, and Daryl J. Hobbs


The Ozarks Elementary Curriculum Project, William A. Wedenoja

Submissions from 1985

Export Alliances as a Device of Dependence Control: A Comparative Analysis, Shahin Gerami

Submissions from 1983

Multifarious hero: Joe Louis, American society, and race relations during world crisis, 1935-1945, Dominic Capeci and Martha Wilkerson

Submissions from 1981


Reason and Social Change in Durkheim's Thought: The Changing Relationship between Individuals and Society, John B. Harms