Submissions from 1992
Are You Communicating Left or Right?, Jean C. Swanson
Work Teams and Unions: Keeping Employee Involvement Legal, Steven L. Thomas and Judy Best
Cultural Diversity and Interpersonal Communication Skills: A Study of Indian Managers, Bobby C. Vaught and Yohannan T. Abraham
Developing Knowledge-Based Systems: An Object-Oriented Organizational Approach, Youngohc Yoon and Tor Guimaraes
Artificial Neural Networks: An Emerging New Technique, Youngohc Yoon and Lynn Peterson
Submissions from 1991
Attitudes toward computers: Views of older adults compared with those of young adults, Sharon A. Baack, Thomas S. Brown, and James T. Brown
Customer evaluation of retail salespeople utilizing the SOCO scale: A replication, extension, and application, Gene Brown, Robert E. Widing, and Ronald L. Coulter
Using an english and spelling pretest to maximize performance in business communication classes, Mona J. Casady
The power of el at ford, D. Keith Denton
Learning organization involves the entire work force, D. Keith Denton and Barry L. Wisdom
Stock Market Response to Voluntary Liquidations and Reorganizations of Real Estate Corporations, Fayez A. Elayan and Brian A. Maris
Contribution of southern authors in major marketing publications, David Michael Fields and Linda E. Swayne
Profiling Early Triers of Service Innovations: A Look at Interactive Home Video Ordering Services, Alan J. Greco and David Michael Fields
Teaching audit reports: A flowchart approach, S. Michael Groomer and James A. Heintz
Implications of Concurrent Measures of Viewer Behavior, Robert P. Hawkins, Suzanne Pingree, Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, Margaret Thompson, and Isabelle Bauman
Personnel administrators’ reactions to job application follow-up letters regarding extending interviews and offering jobs, J. Kenneth Horn
Comparative longitudinal study on microcomputer availability and usage in accounting curriculums, Lawrence A. Klein, Michael J. Cerullo, and M. Virginia Cerullo
Content-Analysis Research: An Examination of Applications with Directives for Improving Research Reliability and Objectivity, Richard H. Kolbe and Melissa S. Burnett
Psychology of computer use: XXV. Locus of control, information-system dialogues, and end-users' satisfaction, David B. Meinert, T. A. Festervand, and J. R. Lumpkin
Substance and semantics in the auditor’s standard report, Stevan K. Olson and Charles W. Wootton
Contemplating the Future of Business Enterprise Valuation, Robert W. Owens
A Guide to Locating Financial Information on the Internet, James B. Pettijohn
Dogmatism and Systems Development Personnel Performance, N. E. Swanson, W. R. Cornette, and Nancy K. Keith
Problem and purpose statements: Are They Synonymous Terms in Writing Reports for Business?, F. Stanford Wayne and Jolene D. Scriven
The VASE scales: Measures of viewpoints about sexual embeds in advertising, Robert E. Widing, Ronald Hoverstad, Ronald L. Coulter, and Gene Brown
Predicting stock price performance: A neural network approach, Youngohc Yoon and George S. Swales
Submissions from 1990
The effect of training techniques and personal characteristics on training end users of information systems, Donald L. Davis and Donna F. Davis
An industry survey of emerging prototyping methodologies, E. Reed Doke
Strain gage operated wind velocity and direction indicator, Clifford L. House
An approach to open intelligent information systems, Rajeev Kaula and Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama
A study of expediting practices in manufacturing firms, David M. Miller and Ross L. Fink
The effects of a multi-facetted intervention on the offense activities of juvenile probationers, Kevin I. Minor and H. Preston Elrod
Choosing a business school: The relevant criteria, R. Stephen Parker, Charles Pettijohn, and Linda Pettijohn
The Role of Communication in Organizations: Ethical Considerations, John D. Pettit, Bobby C. Vaught, and Kathy J. Pulley
Academe and the goose that lays its golden egg, Gerald G. Udell
Automatic generation of a knowledge-base for a dermatology expert system, Youngohc Yoon, Robert W. Brobst, Paul R. Bergstresser, and Lynn L. Peterson
Submissions from 1989
Personal computer usage in community college accounting courses, Michael J. Cerullo, Jack Topiol, and Lawrence A. Klein
Peer Evaluations: An Empirical Test of their Validity and Reliability, Gary L. Clark
Freight transportation carrier selection criteria. Identification of service dimensions for competitive positioning, Ronald L. Coulter, William R. Darden, Mary K. Coulter, and Gene Brown
A study of business and industry members of abc, Lynn W. Denton and Thomas H. Inman
Application development productivity tools: A survey of importance and popularity, E. Reed Doke
Differing Perceptions of Job Priorities for Marketing Educators, Harold B. Teer and Barry L. Wisdom
Interpersonal Communication Behaviour of Male and Female Administrators, Bobby C. Vaught, John D. Pettit, and Raymond E. Taylor
If quality is so important, then why don't we teach it?, Barry L. Wisdom
Submissions from 1988
A reexamination of the attitudes toward computer usage scale, Thomas S. Brown, James T. Brown, and Sharon A. Baack
Transforming a traditional manufacturing system into a just-in-time system with Kanban, Harold Dyck, Richard A. Johnson, and Jay Varzandeh
Communication privacy: A low cost digital approach, Clifford L. House
Telemetry: an economical approach, Clifford L. House
Three differential variables and their relation to retail strategy and profitability, L. Lynn Judd and Bobby C. Vaught
Capital budgeting with continuous cash flows: An application of calculus to managerial accounting, Jon R. Nance
Confidence, Uncertainty, and the Use of Information, Dane K. Peterson and Gordon F. Pitz
Submissions from 1987
The individualistic ethic and the design of organizations, Charles W. Boyd
The role of expectations on automobile demand, Harold Dyck
Is cost accounting the answer? Comparison of two behaviorally based methods for estimating the standard deviation of job performance in dollars with a cost-accounting-based approach., Olen L. Greer and Wayne F. Cascio
Marketing journal hierarchies: Faculty perceptions, 1986-87, Robert H. Luke and E. Reed Doke
The role of preferred leader behavior, managerial demographics, and interpersonal skills in predicting leadership style, Robert L. Trewatha and Bobby C. Vaught
Submissions from 1986
Effect of Input From a Mechanical Model on Clinical Judgment, Dane K. Peterson and Gordon F. Pitz
Effects of amount of information on predictions of uncertain quantities, Dane K. Peterson and Gordon F. Pitz
I A Résumé that Gets Results, Jean C. Swanson
Submissions from 1985
Practice What You Preach about Goodwill Messages, Mona J. Casady
A survey of budget-related planning and control policies and procedures, William P. Cress and James B. Pettijohn
Explicit cue weighting in a prediction task, Dane K. Peterson and Gordon F. Pitz
Power: A critical systems development factor, Neil E. Swanson
Submissions from 1984
Self-actualization and interpersonal capability in organizations, John Pettit and Bobby C. Vaught
Submissions from 1983
Efficacy of Four Cleaning Solutions in Removing Smoke Damage From Apparel Fabrics, Rinn Mclellan Cloud, Lynn A. Bondurant, and Nancy K. Keith
Submissions from 1982
Organizational development: Some glimpses of selected programs and strategies, Charles W. Boyd
Submissions from 1980
How to Teach Machine Dictation, Mona J. Casady
Submissions from 1979
Mathematical approaches to evaluating information updating intervals, James V. Hansen and Lester E. Heitger