
Submissions from 2000


Hitler's secret, Einstein's fear: Using enemies to empower teams and organizations, D. Keith Denton


Computer efficacy: Determinants, consequences, and malleability, William L. Gardner and Elizabeth J. Rozell


Effects of communication direction on job performance and satisfaction: A moderated regression analysis, José R. Goris, Bobby C. Vaught, and John D. Pettit


A model of end user attitudes and intentions toward alternative sources of support, Chittibabu Govindarajulu, Brian J. Reithel, and Vikram Sethi


Selecting Scheduling Heuristics Using Neural Networks, Jatinder N.D. Gupta, Randall S. Sexton, and Enar A. Tunc


Cobol in an object-oriented world: A learning perspective, Bill C. Hardgrave and E. Reed Doke

Customer satisfaction measurement instruments, Rella D. Jeffries and Patrick R. Sells


The Ups and Downs of Object-Oriented Systems Development, Richard A. Johnson

Student usage of the world wide web: A comparative study, Richard A. Johnson and Michael A. Hignite

Integration of rule-based systems and database, Rajeev Kaula

Relationship-Oriented Characteristics and Individual Salesperson Performance, Bruce D. Keillor, R. Stephen Parker, and Charles E. Pettijohn


Political activities in the global industrial marketplace, Bruce D. Keillor, Charles E. Pettijohn, and R. Edward Bashaw


Is a map more than a picture? The role of SDSS technology, subject characteristics, and problem complexity on map reading and problem solving, Brian E. Mennecke, Martin D. Crossland, and Brenda L. Killingsworth


Research note: An exploratory analysis of salesperson perceptions of the criteria used in performance appraisals, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment, Charles E. Pettijohn, Linda S. Pettijohn, and Albert J. Taylor


International Perspective: Virtual Tours—A Tool for Enhancing and Enlivening the International Business Class, James B. Pettijohn


Performance Persistence and Management Skill in Nonconventional Bond Mutual Funds, James Philpot, Douglas Hearth, and James Rimbey


Cognitive, motivation, and affective processes associated with computer-related performance: a path analysis, E. J. Rozell and W. L. Gardner III


A cross cultural comparison of problems in business process reengineering initiatives, Vijay Sethi, Christina Koh, Chung S. Kim, and Vikram Sethi


Reliable classification using neural networks: a genetic algorithm and backpropagation comparison, Randall S. Sexton and Robert E. Dorsey


Comparative evaluation of genetic algorithm and backpropagation for training neural networks, Randall S. Sexton and Jatinder N.D. Gupta


Disclosure level and compliance with IASs: A comparison of companies with and without U.S. listings and filings, Donna L. Street and Stephanie M. Bryant


A case for comparative entrepreneurship: Assessing the relevance of culture, Anisya S. Thomas and Stephen L. Mueller


Recruiting and the web: High-tech hiring, Steven L. Thomas and Katherine Ray

Submissions from 1999


Improving Student Performance Through Student Mentorships: Practices, Presentations and Policies for Enhanced Learning, Melissa S. Burnett and Charles E. Pettijohn

Do Enhanced Index Funds Live up to Their Name?, Chih-Cheng Edward Chang and Thomas Krueger


An Analytical Approach to Understanding Student Debtload Response, James E. Cofer and Patricia Somers


Gaining competitiveness through innovation, D. Keith Denton

How a team can grow goal is to become self-directed, D. Keith Denton


Magical oracles and hand axes: Lessons for building self-confidence and employee ownership, D. Keith Denton


An empirical investigation of Japanese consumer ethics, Robert C. Erffmeyer, Bruce Keillor, and Debbie Thorne LeClair


Comparing backpropagation with a genetic algorithm for neural network training, Jatinder N.D. Gupta and Randall S. Sexton


Organizational learning and market orientation in international marketing education, G. Tomas M. Hult and Bruce Keillor


A cross-national assessment of social desirability bias and consumer ethnocentrism, G. Tomas M. Hult, Bruce Keillor, and Barbara A. Lafferty


Object-oriented methods: Current practices and attitudes, Richard A. Johnson and Bill C. Hardgrave

Usefulness, social influence, and ease of use of object-oriented systems development: Beliefs of experienced OO developers, Richard A. Johnson and Bill C. Hardgrave


An industry analysis of developer beliefs about object-oriented systems development, Richard A. Johnson, Bill C. Hardgrave, and E. Reed Doke


Empirically based guidelines for developing teaching materials on the web, Corinne M. Karuppan and Muthu Karuppan


International containership carrier selection criteria: Shippers/carriers differences, John L. Kent and R. Stephen Parker

Student's perceptions on information systems success, Chung S. Kim, Dane K. Peterson, and David B. Meinert


Undergraduate marketing students, group projects, and teamwork: The good, the bad, and the ugly?, Denny E. McCorkle, James Reardon, Joe F. Alexander, Nathan D. Kling, Robert C. Harris, and R. Vishwanathan Iyer

Forecasting Demand in the Longaberger Company:, John T. Mentzer and John L. Kent


The Effects of Competition on Retail Structure: An Examination of Intratype, Intertype, and Intercategory Competition, Chip E. Miller, James Reardon, and Denny E. McCorkle


The Nature and Role of Statistics in the Business School Curriculum, R. Stephen Parker, Charles E. Pettijohn, and Bruce D. Keillor


Computer-related success and failure: A longitudinal field study of the factors influencing computer-related performance, Elizabeth J. Rozell and W. L. Gardner


The creative process: The effects of group memory on individual idea generation, John W. Satzinger, Monica J. Garfield, and Murli Nagasundaram


An Examination of the Correlates of Burnout in Information Systems Professionals, Vikram Sethi, Tonya B. Barrier, and Ruth C. King


Nonlinear and Noncompensatory Models in User Information Satisfaction Measurement, Vikram Sethi and Ruth C. King

Beyond backpropagation: Using simulated annealing for training neural networks, Randall S. Sexton, Robert E. Dorsey, and John D. Johnson


Optimization of neural networks: A comparative analysis of the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing, Randall S. Sexton, Robert E. Dorsey, and John D. Johnson

Acceptance and observance of international accounting standards: An empirical study of companies claiming to comply with IASs, Donna L. Street, Sidney J. Gray, and Stephanie M. Bryant


Salespersons and sales managers: A descriptive study of topics and perceptions of retail sales performance appraisals, Albert J. Taylor, Linda S. Pettijohn, and Charles E. Pettijohn

Submissions from 1998

A comparison of attitudes toward computers among business professionals in China, Japan, and the United States, Thomas S. Brown, Ralph K. Williams, and James T. Brown


Efficiency of multinational banks: An empirical investigation, Chih-Cheng Edward Chang, Iftekhar Hasan, and William C. Hunter


Viewpoint: Blueprint for the adaptive organisation, D. Keith Denton


Market reactions, characteristics, and the effectiveness of corporate layoffs, Fayez A. Elayan, George S. Swales, Brian A. Maris, and James R. Scott


Beyond the information center: An instrument to measure end-user computing support from multiple sources, Chittibabu Govindarajulu and Brian J. Reithel

Neural networks approach to select scheduling heuristics, Jatinder N.D. Gupta, Randall S. Sexton, and Enar A. Tunc


Computer training and individual differences: When method matters, Candice G. Harp, Sandra C. Taylor, and John W. Satzinger

Development of a relay ladder logic programming and simulation tool with graphical user interface, Kevin M. Hubbard


Simulation-based methodology for machine cell design, Ali K. Kamrani, Kevin M. Hubbard, Hamid R. Parsaei, and Herman R. Leep

Workforce flexibility in automated manufacturing, Corinne M. Karuppan

The Y2K problem: Internet resources for manufacturers, Corinne M. Karuppan and Muthu Karuppan


A modular approach toward flexible manufacturing, Rajeev Kaula


Using Advertising to Manage Consumer Satisfaction in an International Market, Bruce D. Keillor, R. Stephen Parker, and T. Bettina Cornwell

A model for the planning of business process reengineering, Chung S. Kim


An empirical assessment of the organization of transnational information systems, William R. King and Vikram Sethi

Patterns in the organization of transnational information systems, William R. King and Vikram Sethi


Marketing department summer school enrollment: An analysis and recommendations, R. Stephen Parker, Charles E. Pettijohn, and Jennifer Leimkuehler


Regulatory cost effects in a good news environment: The intra-industry reaction to the Alaskan oil spill, Dennis M. Patten and Jon R. Nance


Active management, fund size, and bond mutual fund returns, James Philpot, Douglas Hearth, James N. Rimbey, and Craig T. Schulman

Gender differences in the factors affecting helpless behavior and performance, Elizabeth J. Rozell, David E. Gundersen, and David E. Terpstra


The effects of conceptual consistency on the end user's mental models of multiple applications, John W. Satzinger


An application of the cusp catastrophe model to user information satisfaction, Vikram Sethi and Ruth C. King


Global optimization for artificial neural networks: A tabu search application, Randall S. Sexton, Bahram Alidaee, Robert E. Dorsey, and John D. Johnson

Beyond backpropagation: Using simulated annealing for global optimization for neural networks, Randall S. Sexton, Robert E. Dorsey, and John D. Johnson


Toward global optimization of neural networks: A comparison of the genetic algorithm and backpropagation, Randall S. Sexton, Robert E. Dorsey, and John D. Johnson


Is lifestyle an important factor in the purchase of OTC drugs by the elderly?, Lois Shufeldt, Barbara Oates, and Bobby C. Vaught


Human resource executives' perceptions of academic research, David E. Terpstra and Elizabeth J. Rozell

Submissions from 1997


A Hypermedia Strategic Management Case—Design, Use, and Student Reaction, Charles W. Boyd


An Investigation of the Roles of Individual Differences and User Interface on Database Usability, Steven S. Curl, Lome Olfman, and John W. Satzinger


Bright or bleak: Will technology replace us?, D. Keith Denton


A unifying approach to management, D. Keith Denton and Peter E. Richardson


Advanced manufacturing technology and stress: Technology and management support policies, Corinne M. Karuppan

Integrating knowledge-based systems : A three-level framework, Rajeev Kaula


Firm-level political behavior in theglobal marketplace, Bruce Keillor, Gregory W. Boller, and O. C. Ferrell


Salesforce automation issues prior to implementation: The relationship between attitudes toward technology, experience and productivity, Bruce D. Keillor, R. Edward Bashaw, and Charles E. Pettijohn


The moderating effect of organizational commitment on burnout in information systems professionals, Ruth C. King and Vikram Sethi


Truck Operators' Perspectives on Use of Alternative Fuels, R. Stephen Parker, Heather Fletchall, and Charles E. Pettijohn


An exploratory analysis of the impact of salesperson customer-orientation on sales force productivity, Charles E. Pettijohn, Linda S. Pettijohn, and R. Stephen Parker


An examination of organizational communication as a moderator of the relationship between job performance and job satisfaction, John D. Pettit, Jose R. Goris, and Bobby C. Vaught


User interface consistency across end-user applications: The effects on mental models, John W. Satzinger and Lorne Olfman


Psychology of the scientist: LXXI. Attitudes of practitioners in human resource management toward information from academic research, David E. Terpstra and Elizabeth J. Rozell


Sources of human resource information and the link to organizational profitability, David E. Terpstra and Elizabeth J. Rozell


Why some potentially effective staffing practices are seldom used, David E. Terpstra and Elizabeth J. Rozell

Submissions from 1996

User type and problem type: A classification of development environments and CASE tools, Tonya B. Barrier, Chung S. Kim, and Rajeev Kaula

Creating high performance work practices, D. Keith Denton

Imprinting change on your organization, D. Keith Denton


Managing pollution efforts: How to turn pollution into profits - part 1, D. Keith Denton


Managing pollution efforts: How to turn pollution into profits - part 2, D. Keith Denton


The effect of commercial paper rating changes and credit-watch placement on common stock prices, Fayez A. Elayan, Brian A. Maris, and Philip J. Young