
Submissions from 2014


Cross-cultural influences on e-value creation in supply chains, Joshua M. Davis, Carlo Mora-Monge, Gioconda Quesada, and Marvin Gonzalez


Cultural Prototypes of the Successful Entrepreneur: Comparison of Estonia and the United States, T Elenurm, R Alas, Elizabeth J. Rozell, Wesley A. Scroggins, C Alsua, and C Alsua


Texture descriptors based on Dijkstra's algorithm for medical image analysis, Stefano Ghidoni, Loris Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and Emanuele Menegatti


The etiology of the frugal consumer, Ronald E. Goldsmith, Leisa Reinecke Flynn, and Ronald A. Clark


Do Credit Rating Agencies Sacrifice Timeliness by Pursuing Rating Stability? Evidence from Equity Market Reactions to CreditWatch Events, Jenny Gu, Jeffrey S. Jones, and Pu Liu


Understanding effects of salesperson locus of control, Alex Hamwi, Brian Nicholas Rutherford, James S. Boles, and Ramana K. Madupalli

Ethical Climate and Psychological Contract Violation: Precursors of Salesperson Frontline Deviance, Georg A. Hamwi, Nathaniel Hartmann, and Ramon Avila

Body image and ethnicity: A qualitative exploration, Diana L. Haytko, R. Stephen Parker, Carol M. Motley, and Ivonne M. Torres

Protect Put Certificates-a Case of Bearish Structured Products, Rodrigo J. Hernandez, Jeffrey S. Jones, and Jenny Y. Gu

Java database connectivity using SQLite: A tutorial, Richard A. Johnson

A Study of Trends in Wholesaler Inventory Performance: 1981--2012, Ahren N. Johnston


Trends in retail inventory performance: 1982--2012, Ahren N. Johnston

Teaching a Blended Supply Chain Management Course to Marketing Majors, Ahren N. Johnston and John L. Kent


Can the correlation among Dow 30 stocks predict market declines? Evidence from 1950 to 2008, Jeffrey S. Jones and Brian Kincaid


Do dividend initiations signal a reduction in risk? Evidence from the option market, Jeffrey S. Jones, Pu Liu, and Jenny Gu

Employer-based coverage and medical travel options: lessons for healthcare managers., Corinne M. Karuppan

Data modeling of Web site structure: an Oracle prototype, Rajeev Kaula


Strategic business rules for business process intelligence: An oracle prototype, Rajeev Kaula

A National Survey on the Perceived Importance of Syllabi Components: Differences and Agreements Between Students and Instructors in the principles of Accounting Course, Carl E. Keller, John G. Marcis, and Alan B. Deck


Factors Influencing Unsafe Behaviors and Accidents on Construction Sites: A Review, Yahya Khosravi, Hassan Asilian-Mahabadi, Ebrahim Hajizadeh, Narmin Hassanzadeh-Rangi, Hamid Bastani, and Amir H. Behzadan

Competence: Compliment of Curse?, Melody B. LaPreze

An analysis of independent, non-academic characteristics of Chinese and American business students associated with emotional intelligence, Thomas M. Margavio, Geanie W. Margavio, Michael A. Hignite, and Duane R. Moses


CSREM-SI introduction, Van V. Miller and Luis A. Perez-Batres

Region-based approaches and descriptors extracted from the co-occurrence matrix, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, Stefano Ghidoni, and Emanuele Menegatti


Prediction of protein structure classes by incorporating different protein descriptors into general Chou's pseudo amino acid composition, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Ensemble of local phase quantization variants with ternary encoding, Loris Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, Alessandra Lumini, and Tonya B. Barrier


Ensemble of shape descriptors for shape retrieval and classification, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and S. Berlin Brahnam


An empirical study of different approaches for protein classification, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and S. Berlin Brahnam


Ensemble of different local descriptors, codebook generation methods and subwindow configurations for building a reliable computer vision system, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and S. Berlin Brahnam


A set of descriptors for identifying the protein-drug interaction in cellular networking, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and Sheryl Brahnam


Indirect immunofluorescence image classification using texture descriptors, Loris Nanni, Michelangelo Paci, and S. Berlin Brahnam


Analysis of virus textures in transmission electron microscopy images, Loris Nanni, Michelangelo Paci, Florentino Luciano Caetano Dos Santos, Sheryl Brahnam, and Jari Hyttinen


Twenty Years of Country-of-Origin Food Labeling Research: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Food Marketing Systems, Christopher L. Newman, Anna M. Turri, Elizabeth Howlett, and Amy Stokes

An exploratory study: Gen Y males and their attitudes toward fashion, R. Stephen Parker, Christina S. Simmers, and Allen D. Schaefer


Stakeholder dynamics as determinants of substantive versus symbolic CSR practices: A macro/micro perspective, Luis A. Perez-Batres and Jonathan P. Doh

Salesperson performance: Exploring the roles of role ambiguity, autonomy and self-efficacy, Charles E. Pettijohn, Allen D. Schaefer, and Melissa S. Burnett

Authors influencing others to follow: an analysis of a social media platform through the framework of persuasion theory, Philip C. Rothschild

Corporate partnering for role play competitions in an advanced selling course, Allen D. Schaefer and Diana L. Haytko


The Importance of Fashion: The Chinese and U.S. Gen Y Perspective, Christina S. Simmers, R. Stephen Parker, and Allen D. Schaefer


Collaborative Learning in Building Sciences Enabled by Augmented Reality, Shahin Vassigh, Winifred E. Newman, Amir Behzadan, Yimin Zhu, Shu-Ching Chen, and Scott Graham

Using latent profile regression to explore the relationship between religiosity and work-related ethical judgments, Alan G. Walker, L. Allison Jones-Farmer, Jason Debode, James W. Smither, Raymond D. Smith, and Raymond D. Smith

Does a Dividend Ratchet Effect Exist at the Firm Level?, Christi Wann and Jeffrey S. Jones

Let's Take Another Look at Quality, Barry L. Wisdom

Submissions from 2013


Knowledge-Based Simulation Modeling of Construction Fleet Operations Using Multimodal-Process Data Mining, Reza Akhavian and Amir H. Behzadan


Enabling Discovery Based Learning in Construction Using Telepresent Augmented Reality, Amir H. Behzadan and Vineet R. Kamat


Theory-guided virtual reality psychotherapies: Going beyond CBT-based approaches, Sheryl Brahnam


A Novel GS1 Data Standard Adoption Roadmap for Healthcare Providers, Nebil Buyurgan, Ronald L. Rardin, Raja Jayaraman, Vijith M. Vargehese, and Angelica Burbano


Using Morningstar’s Analytical Measures to Evaluate Investment Recommendations Made by Consumer Reports, C. Edward Chang and Thomas M. Krueger


The VICEX fund: recent shortcomings of a long-run success story, Chih-Cheng Edward Chang and Thomas M. Krueger


ETFs versus CEFs: performance in international equity investing, Chih-Cheng Edward Chang, Kent P. Ragan, and H. Doug Witte

A string search marketing application using visual programming, Jerry M. Chin, Marry H. Chin, and Cathy A. van Landuyt


Antecedents of Coupon Proneness: A Key Mediator of Coupon Redemption, Ronald A. Clark, James J. Zboja, and Ronald E. Goldsmith


Spreadsheet Modeling of (Q,R) Inventory Policies, Barry R., Cobb


Inventory management with log-normal demand per unit time, Barry R. Cobb, Rafael Rumi, and Antonio Salmeron


Mixture distributions for modelling demand during lead time, B R. Cobb


Religiosity and Generational Effects on Gambling: Support for and Opposition to Introducing Casino Gambling in a Non-Gambling Tourist Entertainment Environment, Ronald L. Coulter, Charles M. Hermans, and Richard Stephen Parker


Defining the Soft Infrastructure of Border Crossings: A Case Study at the Canada-US Border, Donna F. Davis and Wesley Friske


The role of public-private partnerships in facilitating cross-border logistics: A case study at the U.S./Canadian border, Donna F. Davis and Wesley Friske


Leveraging the IT competence of non-IS workers: social exchange and the good corporate citizen, Joshua M. Davis


A heuristic–systematic model of end-user information processing when encountering IS exceptions, Joshua M. Davis and Brad M. Tuttle


Dollars and sense: The implications of CEO compensation for organizational performance, Shelley A. Davis, Jason D. DeBode, and David J. Ketchen Jr.


Assessing Ethical Organizational Culture: Refinement of a Scale, Jason Debode, Achilles A. Armenakis, Hubert S. Feild, and Alan G. Walker

Don't lie, cheat and steal., D. Keith Denton

Teaching everyday problem-solving skills, D. Keith Denton

The U.S. Government's Consolidated Financial Statements: A Primer for CPAs, Sid R. Ewer


Indsales model: A facet-level job satisfaction model among salespeople, Scott Friend, Jeff Johnson, Brian Rutherford, and G. Hamwi

Does multi-unit franchising aid differentiation? An exposition, Vinay K. Garg


A theoretical explanation of the cost advantages of multi-unit franchising, Vinay K. Garg, Richard L. Priem, and Abdul Rasheed


The use of secret shopping as a method of increasing engagement in the healthcare industry: A case study, Rachel Granatino, Jamie Verkamp, and R. Stephen Parker


Are Consumers' Financial Needs and Values Common Across Cultures? Evidence from Six Countries, Lan, Guo; Stephanie Bryant; Benson Wier; Alex Nikitkov; Chunyan Ren; Edson Luiz Riccio; Milton Shen; Samir Trabelsi; and LiFang Zhang

The Down-and-Out-Call Option Model of Default Risk: An Application of Genetic Algorithms, Manu Gupta and Puneet Prakash


Equity issue-specific versus broad regulatory protections against expropriation risk: International evidence from SEOs, Manu Gupta, Puneet Prakash, and Nanda K. Rangan


Ideal versus actual number of sales calls: An application of disconfirmation theory, G. Hamwi, Brian Rutherford, Hiram Barksdale, and Julie Johnson


The effects of mentoring on salesperson commitment, Nathaniel N. Hartmann, Brian N. Rutherford, G Alexander Hamwi, and Scott B. Friend


A decision support tool for healthcare providers to evaluate readiness and impacts of adopting supply chain data standards, Raja Jayaraman, Ron L. Rardin, Nebil Buyurgan, Vijith Varghese, Angelica Burbano Collazos, and Angelica Burbano


Economies of scale in the US airline industry, Ahren Johnston and John Ozment


Valuation and systemic risk consequences of bank opacity, Jeffrey S. Jones, Wayne Lee, and Tim Yeager

Measuring hotel service quality perceptions: The disparity between comment cards and LODGSERV, Nancy K. Keith and Christina S. Simmers

Massively Scalable Parallel Neural Networks: A Modified Genetic Algorithm Approach., Shannon D. McMurtrey, Randall S. Sexton, and Nyshadham Easwar

Medical Malpractice Noneconomic Caps Unconstitutional, Carol J. Miller and Joseph Weidhaas Attorney


Different approaches for extracting information from the co-occurrence matrix, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, Stefano Ghidoni, Emanulel Menegatti, Tonya B. Barrier, and Tonya B. Barrier


A comparison of methods for extracting information from the co-occurrence matrix for subcellular classification, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, Stefano Ghidoni, Emanulel Menegatti, Tonya B. Barrier, Tonya B. Barrier, and Tonya B. Barrier


Double committee adaboost, Loris Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


An empirical study on the matrix-based protein representations and their combination with sequence-based approaches, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and S. Berlin Brahnam

Ensemble of patterns of oriented edge magnitudes descriptors for face recognition, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, Sheryl Brahnam, and Mauro Migliardi


Electronic Medical Records Application Development: Perspectives of the Service Provider, Prashant Palvia and Ravi Thambusamy

The Finance Committee of the Board and Financial Performance: A Resource Dependence Perspective, Craig A. Peterson and James D. Philpot


The effect of discrete viscous damping on the transverse vibration of beams, Harry Pierson, Jerald Brevick, and Kevin Hubbard


Perceived 'Usefulness' of Online Consumer Reviews: An Exploratory Investigation Across Three Services Categories, Pradeep Racherla and Wesley Friske


Using An Equity/Performance Matrix to Address Salary Compresion/Inversion And Performance Issues, Peter E. Richardson and Steven L. Thomas

Forecasting Daily Retail Sales Using a Modified Genetic Algorithm Neural Network, Randall S. Sexton, Jacob Rebert, and Michael A. Hignite


Modeling Earth Surfaces for Highway Earthwork Computation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Kerry T. Slattery and Dianne K. Slattery


An evaluation of research authorship by gender in major academic and professional accounting journals, L. Murphy Smith, Paul A. Ashcroft, and Katherine Taken Smith


The influence of age, sex, and theism on ethical judgments, Raymond D. Smith, Jason D. Debode, and Alan G. Walker


Be Happy, Don't Wait: The Role of Trait Affect in Job Search, Daniel B. Turban, Felissa K. Lee, Serge P.da Motta Veiga, Dana L. Haggard, and Sharon Y. Wu


Untangling the antecedents of initial trust in Web-based health information: The roles of argument quality, source expertise, and user perceptions of information quality and risk, Mun Y. Yi, Jane J. Yoon, Joshua M. Davis, and Taesik Lee

Submissions from 2012


An integrated data collection and analysis framework for remote monitoring and planning of construction operations, Reza Akhavian and Amir H. Behzadan


Extent of environmental disclosure of US and Canadian firms by annual report location, Paul A. Ashcroft

A Labor Negotiation Case Useful in an Introductory Business Course, Paul A. Ashcroft and Radhika Kaula


Paying attention: Overnight returns and the hidden cost of buying at the open, Henk Berkman, Paul D. Koch, Laura Tuttle, and Ying Jenny Zhang