
Submissions from 2012


Clustering in crude oil prices and the target pricing zone hypothesis, Rakesh Bharati, Susan J. Crain, and Vincent Kaminski


To hear-to say: The mediating presence of the healing witness, Sheryl Brahnam

A Hybrid Fingerprint Multimatcher, Sheryl Brahnam, C. Casanova, L. Nanni, and A. Lumini


Gender affordances of conversational agents, Sheryl Brahnam and Antonella De Angeli


The Case for Country-specific Closed-end Funds Instead of Exchange-traded Funds, C. Edward Chang and Thomas M. Krueger


Do green mutual funds perform well?, Chih-Cheng Edward Chang, Walt A. Nelson, and H. Doug Witte

The Role of Customer Loyalty to the Salesperson in Generating Premium Revenue for Retailers, Ronald A. Clark, James J. Zboja, and Clay M. Voorhees


Should I Give Grandma An iPod For Christmas? Music Consumption Behavior In The Digital Age, Joshua T. Coleman and Stephen B. Castleberry


Designing a financial literacy course for a liberal arts curriculum, Susan J. Crain and Kent P. Ragan


User disposition and extent of Web utilization: A trait hierarchy approach, Joshua M. Davis and Mun Y. Yi


Corporate intranets place information on the dashboard: Big-picture feedback puts HR in the driving seat, D. Keith Denton


"Let me make this clear": Creating high trust organizations, D. Keith Denton


To manage change, manage the big picture: The best reforms are achieved by keeping it simple, D. Keith Denton


Using announcement options in the bid construction phase for disaster relief procurement, Mustafa A. Ertem, Nebil Buyurgan, and Edward A. Pohl


Risk Taking and Performance of Public Insurers: An International Comparison, L. Paige Fields, Manu Gupta, and Puneet Prakash


Materialism, status consumption, and consumer independence, Ronald E. Goldsmith, Leisa R. Flynn, and Ronald A. Clark


Materialistic, brand engaged and status consuming consumers and clothing behaviors, Ronald E. Goldsmith, Leisa R. Flynn, and Ronald A. Clark


Motivators of market mavenism in the retail environment, Ronald E. Goldsmith, Leisa R. Flynn, and Ronald A. Clark


Information embedded in directors and officers insurance purchases, Manu Gupta and Puneet Prakash


Governance and chareholder response to chief risk Officer appointments, Manu Gupta, Puneet Prakash, and Nanda Rangan


The Mentoring Relationship as a Context for Psychological Contract Development, Dana L. Haggard and Daniel B. Turban


Are Hedge Funds Guilty of Manipulative Short-selling?, K Stephen Haggard, Grace Qing Hao, and Ying Jenny Zhang


Subperiod robustness checks: testing for effect mean stationarity, K. Stephen Haggard and H. Douglas Witte

Developing a state-of-art supply chain testbed for engineering education and research at Southern Illinois university Edwardsville, Donte J. Harris, Sohyung Cho, H. Felix Lee, Kevin M. Hubbard, Luis Youn, and Luis T. Youn

Information Literacy Assessment: Moving Beyond Computer Literacy, Michael A. Hignite, Thomas M. Margavio, and Geanie W. Margavio

Dimensional measurement variation of scanned objects using flatbed scanners, Martin P. Jones, R. Neal Callahan, and Richard D. Bruce

Business intelligence process metrics specification: An information flow approach, Rajeev Kaula

Business Rules Modeling for Business Process Events: An Oracle Prototype, Rajeev Kaula


Data Modeling of Knowledge Rules: An Oracle Prototype, Rajeev Kaula

Does on-market experience make products more attractive to mass retailers?, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, and Gerald G. Udell


Social desirability in the selection process: new insights from a novel context, Andrew Li, Jessica Bagger, and Wesley Friske

A comparative analysis of the emotional intelligence levels of American and Chinese business students, Thomas M. Margavio, Geanie W. Margavio, Michael A. Hignite, and Duane R. Moses

A combination of methods for building ensembles of classifiers, L. Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and A. Lumini


A simple method for improving local binary patterns by considering non-uniform patterns, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


A very high performing system to discriminate tissues in mammograms as benign and malignant, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Combining multiple approaches for gene microarray classification, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Local phase quantization descriptor for improving shape retrieval/classification, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Matrix representation in pattern classification, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Random interest regions for object recognition based on texture descriptors and bag of features, Loris Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and Alessandar Lumini


A user dependent multi-resolution approach for biometric data, Loris Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Wavelet images and Chou's pseudo amino acid composition for protein classification, Loris Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


A classifier ensemble approach for the missing feature problem, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and S. Berlin Brahnam


Survey on LBP based texture descriptors for image classification, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and Sheryl Brahnam


Stakeholder Pressures as Determinants of CSR Strategic Choice: Why do Firms Choose Symbolic Versus Substantive Self-Regulatory Codes of Conduct?, Luis A. Perez-Batres, Jonathan P. Doh, Van V. Miller, and Michael J. Pisani


Why Do Firms Engage in National Sustainability Programs and Transparent Sustainability Reporting?: Evidence from Mexico's Clean Industry Program, Luis A. Perez-Batres, V. Miller, M. Pisani, Irene Henriques, and J. Renau-Sepulveda


An Assessment of the Role of Latin America in the Core International Business Literature (2001-2010), Luis A. Perez-Batres, Michael J. Pisani, and Jonathan P. Doh

Vibration control in bar feeders using magnetorheological fluids, H. Pierson, J. Brevick, and Kevin M. Hubbard

Link Integrating an Online Publication into the Entertainment Management Curriculum, Philip C. Rothschild and Melissa VanKluyve


Road Construction Earthwork Volume Calculation Using Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning, Kerry T. Slattery, Dianne K. Slattery, and James P. Peterson II


The perceived value of green professional credentials to credential holders in the US building design and construction community, Jacob R. Tucker, Annie R. Pearce, Richard D. Bruce, Andrew P. McCoy, and Thomas H. Mills


The Effects of Religiosity on Ethical Judgments, Alan G. Walker, James W. Smither, and Jason Debode


Understanding Life under Public Scrutiny: The US Bio-pharmaceutical Industry Experience, Y. Jenny Zhang

Submissions from 2011


An auction-based framework for resource allocation in disaster relief, Mustafa Alp Ertem and Nebil Buyurgan

Growth Potential in a Difficult Economy, Paul A. Ashcroft


The theoretical grounding of international human resource management: Advancing practice by advancing conceptualization, Philip G. Benson and Wesley A. Scroggins


Virtual reality in psychotherapy, rehabilitation, and neurological assessment, Sheryl Brahnam and Lakhmi C. Jain


(Un)dressing the interface: Exposing the foundational HCI metaphor "computer is woman, Sheryl Brahnam, Marianthe Karanikas, and Margaret Weaver


An Exploration of Accountants, Accounting Work, and Creativity, Stephanie M. Bryant, Dan Stone, and Benson Wier


Ethical Decision Making by Management Accountants: An Empirical Examination of Obedience Theory, Thomas E. Buttross, George Schmelzle, and Hema Rao


Does index investing work in bonds?, Chih-Cheng Edward Chang and Thomas M. Krueger


Graphical Models for Economic Profit Maximization, Barry Cobb


A call to all L&D, OD and HR professionals: How can you increase your professional reputation?, D. Keith Denton


Engaging your employees in times of uncertainty, D. Keith Denton


Buyer-seller relationships within a multisource context: Understanding customer defection and available alternatives, Scott B. Friend, G. Alex Hamwi, and Brian N. Rutherford


The History of Professionalization in U.S. Public Accountancy, Andy Garcia and James C. Lampe


Materialism and brand engagement as shopping motivations, Ronald E. Goldsmith, Leisa R. Flynn, and Ronald A. Clark


Mentoring and Psychological Contract Breach, Dana L. Haggard


Culture’s impact on freedom and peace: empirical evidence, Dana L. Haggard and K. Stephen Haggard

Reducing Emotional Exhaustion by Increasing Organizational Support, G. Alexander Hamwi, Brian N. Rutherford, and James S. Boles


Instant Messenger Friends? Social Relationship Behavior Differences Between Two Countries, Charles M. Hermans, Diana L. Haytko, Erika Matulich, and Kavin J. Shanahan

Data standards in healthcare supply chain operations, Raja Jayaraman, Ronald Rardin, Nebil Buyurgan, Vijith Varghese, Angelica Burbano, Jennifer Pazour, Nabil Lehlou, Ashraf Hajiyev, and Danny Dixon


Concentration in the Airline Industry: Evidence of Economies of Scale?, Ahren N. Johnston and John Ozment


Charter Value, Tobin's Q and Bank Risk During the Subprime Financial Crisis, Jeffrey S. Jones, Scott A. Miller, and Timothy J. Yeager

Flow length measurement of injection molded spirals using a flatbed scanner, Martin P. Jones, R. Neal Callahan, and Richard D. Bruce

Inventions and innovations: Does stage of development matter in assessments of market attractiveness?, Stephen C. Jones, Tami L. Knotts, and Gerald G. Udell


Who are the medical travelers and what do they want?: A qualitative study, Corinne M. Karuppan and Muthu Karuppan


Measuring service quality perceptions of restaurant experiences: The disparity between comment cards and DINESERV, Nancy K. Keith and Christina S. Simmers

A levels, readiness, and impact evaluation model for GS1 adoption in healthcare, Nabil Lehlou, Ronald Rardin, Nebil Buyurgan, Raja Jayaraman, Vijith Varghese, Angelica Burbano, Ashraf Hajiyev, Eghbal Rashidi, and Paiman Farrokhvar


Performance of integrated delivery systems: Quality, service and cost implications, Michael Leibert

An Analysis of Chinese Business Student's Performance on a Test Of Emotional Intelligence, Thomas M. Margavio, Geanie W. Margavio, Michael A. Hignite, and Duane R. Moses


Anticipated Use of EMR Functions and Physician Characteristics, David B. Meinert and Dane K. Peterson


Legal Environment v. Business Law Courses: A Distinction Without a Difference?, Carol J. Miller and Susan J. Crain


A cross cultural study of gender-role orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, Stephen L. Mueller and Mary Conway Dato-on


Artificial intelligence systems based on texture descriptors for vaccine development, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessadra Lumini


Combining different local binary pattern variants to boost performance, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Texture descriptors for generic pattern classification problems, Loris Nanni, S. Berlin Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Likelihood ratio based features for a trained biometric score fusion, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini, and S. Berlin Brahnam


Biohashing applied to orientation-based minutia descriptor for secure fingerprint authentication system, Lorris Nanni, S. Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Local Ternary Patterns from Three Orthogonal Planes for human action classification, Lorrs Nanni, Sheryl Brahnam, and Alessandra Lumini


Ethnocentrism and Its Effect on the Chinese Consumer: A Threat to Foreign Goods?, R. Stephen Parker, Diana L. Haytko, and Charles M. Hermans


Institutionalizing sustainability: An empirical study of corporate registration and commitment to the United Nations global compact guidelines, Luis A. Perez-Batres, Van V. Miller, and Michael J. Pisani


Managerial and peer influence on ethical behavioral Intentions in a Personal Selling Context, Charles E. Pettijohn, Nancy K. Keith, and Melissa S. Burnett


A brief history and recent developments in day‐of‐the‐week effect literature, James D. Philpot and Craig A. Peterson


The Determinants of Information Technology Wages, Jing J. Quan, Ronald Dattero, Stuart D. Galup, and Kewal Dhariwal


Social Media Use in Sports and Entertainment Venues, Philip C. Rothschild

White vs. Blue: Does the collar color affect job attitudes and behaviors?, Elizabeth J. Rozell, Charles E. Pettijohn, and R. Stephen Parker


Measuring Salesperson Burnout: A Reduced Maslach Burnout Inventory for Sales Researchers, Brian N. Rutherford, G. Alexander Hamwi, Scott B. Friend, and Nathaniel N. Hartmann


Leadership Characteristics of Rising Stars in Construction Project Management, Dianne Kay Slattery and Mary R. Sumner


Corporate entrepreneurship in Switzerland: evidence from a case study of Swiss watch manufacturers, Kayhan Tajeddini and Stephen Mueller

A sociomateriality practice perspective of online social networking, Ravi Thambusamy and Hamid R. Nemati